Ram Navami- An Auspicious Day for shopping

Rama Navami, which is seen as an auspicious festival in Hindu religion will be celebrated on 5th of April this year, and the whole nation will be witnessing it as a celebration of the birth of Lord Rama in this month of Chaitra.

Marking the end of the nine days celebration of Chaitra Navratri also known as Shri Ram Navratri, this day is devoted to Lord Rama by observing fasts and doing cultural programmes related to the life of Shri Ram.

Shopping on this Auspicious Day:

  • Shopping for the traditional apparels– Wearing new traditional clothes is part of the devotees’ fervor and devotion, so shopping places are usually decked with new arrivals and deals on these products, at this time.
  • Stall Bins and Dump Bins can be installed at the sites that offer apparel shopping at this time. Putting a Dump Bin in front of Trial Room will not only give the facility to the buyer but will also help in maintaining clean and uncluttered space at the Shopping Centre.
  • Religious Jewellery Befitting the Occasion– People like to dress up in traditional looks on a Ram Navami day, and they often buy some jewellery like pendants or other accessories related to Shri Ram out of their religious beliefs and their faith in Lord Rama.
  • The classic looking Aligator Stands can be used to display these traditional and classic looking items to the front displays of jewellery stores.
  • God Idols for Worshipping– Who can forget the shopping for God’s idol on this big day. These idols can be displayed in Stackable Basket, or Aligator stands from Display Manager.The wired grid of these products would allow the customers to see these icons in a clear view.
  • Home Accessories – To keep the auspicious touch in the regular things people in India tend to buy according to the dates and months with auspicious importance.
  • Displaying the home accessories in different products from Display Manager will leave the customers with no other option than buying those beautiful looking products in the mesmerizing displays.

We at Display Manager call this concept as Impulse Buying, and we invite you to try this feature of our product range to experience the real difference in your sales.

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